The 170 square metres comprised of offices, toilets, staff canteen and changing rooms and as such the client was looking for a more decorative finish that would still be hardwearing and easy to keep clean. PSC recommended a Decorative Epoxy Resin Flake System allowing the client to choose their own colour combination of flakes.
All floors were prepared using the captive diamond grinding machine to thoroughly clean and open up the pores of the concrete. Each area was then vacuumed clean of all the dust and debris before a coat of KDR Epoprime was laid. Finally in the preparation stage a nominal 5mm of Weber 4610 cementitious screed was laid to level all the floors ready for the Decorative Epoxy Resin Flake System.
We applied two coats of KDR Epocoat High Build Epoxy Resin, followed by a full broadcast of decorative flakes in the client’s chosen colorway of Dark Grey, White, and Black. Once dry, we swept the area to remove any loose flakes and de-nibbed it using an STR machine with a fine pad. De-nibbing smoothed the surface by removing any protruding flakes. Finally, two coats of two coats of KDR Polycoat UVR in clear, silk was laid to seal the decorative finish. This has provided the client, with a really hard-wearing, aesthetically pleasing resin floor, that is easy to clean.
Mannari Foods commented "Another great transformation from PSC Flooring. Thank you to the whole team for all their hard work."