This guidance note focuses on the importance of measuring and managing slip resistance in resin flooring systems.
It outlines the UK-recognised methods for testing slip resistance, such as the Pendulum Test, and provides practical advice on maintaining safe levels of slip resistance through regular cleaning and surface management. The document also covers the importance of environmental factors and footwear in managing slip risks.
Correctly specified and applied synthetic resin flooring is well proven as an effective method of protecting substrates and providing excellent levels of slip resistance in wet, dry and contaminated conditions, especially within high-risk areas such as food and drink processing, commercial catering and heavy industrial environments.
Pre-planning at the design stage to evaluate the environment and the use of the floor is critical. While processes designed to avoid spillage/contamination are one essential part of any slip risk management approach, it is inevitable that occasions will arise when slippery conditions will occur and reliance will be placed on the floor finish to minimise risk. As such, it is essential that floors are designed to handle the extremes of operating conditions to minimise risk and fully meet duty of care responsibilities.
This guidance note will explain the main methods for measuring the level of slip resistance offered by a resin floor finish in line with the main methods recognised in the UK. It will then briefly cover other factors that help manage and minimise the overall risk of a slip-related incident.